
The currencies with which Parcel is compatible.

type Token {
  id: Int!
  decimals: Int!
  name: String!
  symbol: String!
  address: String!
  chain_id: Int!
  chain: Chain!
  logo_media_id: Int!
  logo_media: Media!


Token.address String!

The address of the token's contract on its respective chain.

Token.chain Chain!

The Chain object of the token's chain.

Token.chain_id Int!

The chain identifier of the token's chain. See to retrieve a list of supported chains.

Token.decimals Int!

The number of decimal places in the smallest denomination of the currency. Int!

A unique indentifier.

Token.logo_media Media!

The Media object of the token's logo.

Token.logo_media_id Int!

The media identifier of the token's logo. String!

The full name of the currency or token.

Token.symbol String!

The symbol, or abbreviation, of the currency or token.