
A Sale is created when a buyer buys a listing and is recorded by the Parcel Indexer. One Sale is created per asset sold in the on-chain transaction.

type Sale {
  id: Int!
  listing_id: Int
  listing: Listing
  created_at: Date!
  updated_at: Date!
  transfer_id: Int!
  transfer: Transfer!
  amount: String!
  marketplace_id: Int
  marketplace: Marketplace


Sale.amount String!

The amount, in the smallest denomination of the listing currency, at which the asset sold.

Sale.created_at Date!

The date and time at which the sale was created in the Parcel system. Int!

A unique indentifier.

Sale.listing Listing

The Listing object on which the sale occurred, if it exists in the Parcel system.

Sale.listing_id Int

The listing identifier of the listing on which the sale occurred, if it exists in the Parcel system.

Sale.marketplace Marketplace

The Marketplace object where the sale occurred.

Sale.marketplace_id Int

The marketplace identifier where the sale occurred.

Sale.transfer Transfer!

The Transfer object of the transfer associated with the sale.

Sale.transfer_id Int!

The transfer identifier of the transfer associated with the sale.

Sale.updated_at Date!

The date and time at which the sale was last updated in the Parcel system.