
When a user lists an asset for sale on any of the marketplaces tracked by Parcel it creates a listing.

type Listing {
  id: Int!
  start_price: String!
  asset_id: Int!
  asset: Asset!
  token_id: Int!
  token: Token!
  created_at: Date!
  updated_at: Date!
  listing_type_id: Int!
  marketplace_id: Int!
  marketplace: Marketplace!
  seller_id: Int
  seller: Wallet
  expires_at: Date
  cancelled_at: Date
  ex_created_at: Date
  curr_price: String
  order_key: String
  order_key_alt: String
  is_active: Boolean
  visible: Boolean!
  conv_amount: Float
  related_listings: [Listing!]


Listing.asset Asset!

The Asset object of the asset that is for sale.

Listing.asset_id Int!

The asset identifier of the asset that is for sale.

Listing.cancelled_at Date

The date at which the listing was cancelled if applicable.

Listing.conv_amount Float

The amount of Listing.curr_price converted to ether. As long as the listing remains active, this amount is updated approximately every 30 seconds.

Listing.created_at Date!

The date at which the listing was created in the Parcel system.

Listing.curr_price String

The current price of the listing in the smallest denomination of the listing currency. This is used for auctions, otherwise it will be equal to Listing.start_price.

Listing.ex_created_at Date

The date at which the listing was created according to the external source from which Parcel indexed it.

Listing.expires_at Date

The date at which the listing expires if applicable. Int!

A unique indentifier.

Listing.is_active Boolean

The status of the listing based on a number of factors. Listings become is_active: false when they are cancelled, expire, or when the listing is otherwise removed from the external source. Right now all listings returned from Parcel's API are active listings.

Listing.listing_type_id Int!

The listing type identifier of the listing. Possible values:

  1: Standard
  2: Auction - Dutch
  3: Auction - English

Listing.marketplace Marketplace!

The Marketplace object from which the listing originated.

Listing.marketplace_id Int!

The marketplace identifier from which the listing originated. See to retrieve a list of available marketplaces.

Listing.order_key String

The order key Parcel uses to track the listing on external sources.

Listing.order_key_alt String

Sometimes we need a second order key to track listings on external sources and this is that second key.

Listing.related_listings [Listing!]

A list of listings from the same game as the parent listing.

Listing.seller Wallet!

The Wallet object of the seller.

Listing.seller_id Int!

The wallet identifier of the seller.

Listing.start_price String!

The starting price of the listing in the smallest denomination of the listing currency.

Listing.token Token!

The Token object of the currency that the listing uses.

Listing.token_id Int!

The token identifier of the currency that the listing uses. See to retrieve a list of possible tokens.

Listing.updated_at Date!

The date at which the listing was last updated in the Parcel system.

Listing.visible Boolean!

Denotes if a listing is visible. Listings that are visible: false won't appear on any Parcel generated pages or lists. This is used to flag suspicious or fraudulent listings. Right now all listings returned from Parcel's API are visible.


The result object returned from a listings query.

type ListingsResult {
  listings: [Listing!]
  cursor_prev: String
  cursor_next: String


ListingsResult.listings [Listing!]

A list of Listing objects that match the inputs sent to the listings query.

ListingsResult.cursor_next String

A cursor string that represents a pointer to a page of results. This cursor can be used with the listings query to retrieve the next page of results.

ListingsResult.cursor_prev String

A cursor string that represents a pointer to a page of results. This cursor can be used with the listings query to retrieve the previous page of results.