Hosted Marketplace

Focus on building your game.

If you want a fully-featured marketplace hosted and maintained by Parcel, look no further. Our hosted solution comes packaged with everything you need to provide a custom experience for your community without breaking your back.

How does it work?

Just fill out this form. It's that simple. We'll get back to you within 48 hours with a custom URL to access your marketplace. It will look something like this:

Once you've received your custom URL, you're ready to configure your DNS so you can point this URL to your desired domain or subdomain.

  1. Give us the following information:
    1. User account info (owner of organization)
      1. Wallet address
    2. Organization info
      1. Name
      2. Address
      3. Phone Number
    3. Marketplace name (ex. Parcel)
    4. Fee (ex. 0%)
    5. Game(s) info
      1. Name
      2. Desired short name
      3. Description
      4. Status
      5. Release Date
      6. Developer
      7. Logo media
      8. Banner media
    6. Collection(s) info
      1. Name
      2. Desired short name
      3. Description
      4. Logo media
      5. Banner media
    7. Contract address(es) of collections to sell
      1. Address
      2. Chain
      3. What games & collection it belongs to
    8. Entrypoint will be based on number of games & collections
    9. SEO metadata
      1. Title
      2. Description
    10. Logo media
    11. Favicon media
    12. Domain name
  2. Marketplace generation begins
  3. Marketplace generation pauses while client creates CNAME records for SSL cert verification
  4. Marketplace generation resumes
  5. We send client an AWS url that they use a CNAME record to link to previously given domain name